Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Spell was broken

T is having a tantrum.

I would not let him watch TV in my room.

He has major defiance. But the defiance only lasted a couple minutes as opposed to 10 minutes just on Prozac and 30-60 minutes off Prozac and AVE.

So I'll take it!

I still need to do the symptom survey on him. Right now he is just doing the first 10 A1 sessions.

I wanted to note that when I take the machine off N he is completely out in a very deep sleep. Last night though, T woke up as I took it off. Not sure why or what that means.

His intensity of the tantrum has lessened. Even more so than Prozac alone.

So what I am seeing is small steps compared to N's major leaps of improvement in such a short time.

It is very interesting doing this with my identical twins. They both have a different diagnosis. N- Autism Spectrum Disorder, T- Anxiety) And they are responding different to the AVE (one show changes immediately, one not so much)

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