The sessions are going well.
N and T are still on both sessions A1.
The boys are doing well. We have had a meltdown each, but it was easily managed.
Dad was out of town this week so we only did 3 session so far this week.
Mom (me) is out of town this weekend so Dad will be doing the therapies on the boys Saturday night. I needed a break from "my life" so Dad (my hubby) sent me to a hotel for the weekend to relax.
I do still see major changes in N. His expressive language increases slightly every time he has a session.
T- not so much. Once I get back home, I will do the symptom survey on him to find out the sessions he needs.
August 4, E will start AVE.
August 18, J will start AVE. I am really really excited to see how this will help J and E's processing issues. They have more processing issues than T and N.
We will also be starting my husband on this soon.
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