Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Last nights session:

N: A1, session 5. Remarkable change today with N!! I bought him a Buzz Lightyear tshirt which I gave to him when I got home today. He came up to me and said "Best mom for getting me shirt." He said that all on his own without any promptings!!! Hearing him say that on his own was awesome!! He normally does not offer us expressive language. :)

T: A1, session 3. T had a very calm day. Even when he was defiant (only 2 times today!!) I took him aside and spoke firmly with him and that did not lead into a tantrum like it usually does. He apologized and went on his way to play again! If nothing else ever changes, just getting rid of the defiance would be enough!

That is all the children we are doing right now.

J has a lot of processing issues going on. When we did kinesology/muscle testing, all parts of his brain tested weak. His dx are ASD, math learning disability and ADHD. J also has MAJOR midline issues!!! He has visual processing, auditory processing, visual motor, long term memory retrival issues and low working memory issues that we found out about during a full evaluation last summer. He is being evaluated for CAPD on August 18. Since CAPD falls under the umbrella of ASD (a lot of people on the Spectrum has Auditory Processing issues) part of me just wants to go ahead ad start the AVE on him now. If it helps him enough to not be diagnosed CAPD then that is great. We do know that he does have auditory processing issues but not a formal dx of CAPD. I'm inclined to not have him tested because it would be just another label, which we do not need!

So we will start him tomorrow night.

I have found evening time is easier on us. My children are extremely active in the morning when we would have to have the machine on them. I'm not sure if they would be receiving the amazing results that we are seeing so quickly if we did this why they are awake. The reason I say this is because it is my understanding that the more relaxed one is, the better the entrainment works. So we will stay with evening sessions.

I'm also wondering how often we need to do these sessions. In the studies I've read, it was done 3 times a week. We are doing every other night.

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